Programm 26.05.2008 (English Track)


Version vom 11:54, 6. Jun. 2008; Daniel-constantin (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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  • 1 10:00 - 10:15 Uhr: Opening by Stefan Wintermeyer (AMOOMA)
  • 2 10:15 - 11:00 Uhr: Mark Spencer (Digium)
  • 3 11:15 - 12:00 Uhr: Diana Cionoiu (Yate)
  • 4 12:15 - 13:00 Uhr: Nenad Corbic (Sangoma)
  • 5 13:15 - 14:00 Uhr: Michelle Petrone-Fleming (Digium)
  • 6 14:15 - 14:45 Uhr: Jay Phillips (Adhearsion)
  • 7 15:00 - 15:45 Uhr: Olle E. Johansson (Edvina AB, Sollentuna, Sweden)
  • 8 16:00 - 16:45 Uhr: Kevin P. Fleming (Digium)
  • 9 17:00 - 17:45 Uhr: Daniel-Constantin Mierla (
  • 10 18:00 - 18:45 Uhr: Phil Zimmermann (Zfone Project)
  • 11 19:00 Uhr: Happy hour (Cocktailbar)
  • 12 21:00 Uhr - The End

10:00 - 10:15 Uhr: Opening by Stefan Wintermeyer (AMOOMA)

Stefan Wintermeyer
Stefan Wintermeyer

Title: Geschäftsführer
Topic: Tagesprogramm und allgemeine Infos
Language: Deutsch
Video (on YouTube):


10:15 - 11:00 Uhr: Mark Spencer (Digium)

Mark Spencer
Mark Spencer

Title: Founder of Digium and Inventor of Asterisk
Topic: Keynote
Language: English
Video (on YouTube): - - - -


11:15 - 12:00 Uhr: Diana Cionoiu (Yate)

Diana Cionoiu
Diana Cionoiu

Title: Founder of Null Team and Inventor of Yate
Topic: Realiable open source telephony systems.
Abstract: As is catching more and more of the telephony market the quality of telephony is going down. Yate is an open source software developed with reliability, scalability and flexibility in mind for the tomorrow telephony networks.
Language: English
E-Mail: diana at null dot ro
Video (on YouTube): - - -
Siehe zusätzlich auch Programm 27.05.2008 (Workshops)


12:15 - 13:00 Uhr: Nenad Corbic (Sangoma)

Nenad Corbic
Nenad Corbic

Title: Chief Software Architect, Development Manager
Topic: Extending Open Source PBX for Scalable Media Gateways
Abstract: Asterisk and open source telephony offers an intriguing possibility of leveraging the functionality and flexibility of open source with scalability and capacity of large, proprietary media gateways. This presentation will cover current Asterisk TDM architecture and offer ways to improve and optimize it to achieve higher performance. It will also present new distributed, scalable architecture called Woomera and provide real world examples of how Asterisk and Woomera are being used to achieve high TDM/SS7/BRI capacity today.
Language: English
Video (on YouTube): - - -


13:15 - 14:00 Uhr: Michelle Petrone-Fleming (Digium)

Title: Contracts Manager and In-House Counsel
Topic: Intellectual Property Issues involving the use of Asterisk, including patents, trademarks and copyrights.
Language: English
Video (on YouTube): -


14:15 - 14:45 Uhr: Jay Phillips (Adhearsion)

Jay Philipps
Jay Philipps

Title: Inventor of Adhearsion
Topic: Adhearsion and Other Ways to Improve Asterisk
Abstract: Having spent nearly two years working on his open-source Adhearsion framework for improving development, Jay has put a lot of time and energy into making Asterisk more user-friendly and fun to use. Jay will spend about 50% of his time talking about Adhearsion and how you can build exciting applications with it and 50% of his time talking about Asterisk in general and reflecting on the issues Jay has faced. If you're a developer, hopefully this talk will help you become more productive and, with Adhearsion, more adept at solving complex issues. If you're a businessman, this talk should help you understand the technological landscape and the high-level limitations of the technologies around which you may build a product or service.
Language: English
E-Mail: Jay -at-
Video (on YouTube): - - - -
Siehe zusätzlich auch Programm 27.05.2008 (Workshops)


15:00 - 15:45 Uhr: Olle E. Johansson (Edvina AB, Sollentuna, Sweden)

Olle E. Johansson
Olle E. Johansson

Title: SIP and Asterisk Guru
Topic: Asterisk & SIP: The 2008 Annual report
Language: English/Swenglish
Abstract: The project is moving on and there's been a lot of changes during the last year. At the same time, the market moves forward. What's happening, and more specifically, what's not happening. A very personal reflection with a lot of opinions and some interesting ideas.

Video (on YouTube): - - - -
Siehe zusätzlich auch Programm 27.05.2008 (Workshops)


16:00 - 16:45 Uhr: Kevin P. Fleming (Digium)

Kevin P. Fleming
Kevin P. Fleming

Title: Director of Software Technologies
Topic: Asterisk 1.6 - What is new and should I use it already?
Abstract: As Asterisk 1.6.0 approaches an official release, many users are curious about what is new, what is changed, and more importantly, should they upgrade their production systems? This session will cover those issues in detail, including important concerns about backwards compatibility with Asterisk 1.4.
Language: English
Misc: Interview mit Kevin Fleming auf zum Thema Asterisk 1.6
Video (on YouTube): - - -


17:00 - 17:45 Uhr: Daniel-Constantin Mierla (

Daniel Constantin Mierla
Daniel Constantin Mierla

Title: Co-Founder, CEO
Topic: Scaling for large SIP traffic
Abstract: Asterisk and OpenSER - blending together for scalability
Language: English
Siehe zusätzlich auch Programm 27.05.2008 (Workshops)


18:00 - 18:45 Uhr: Phil Zimmermann (Zfone Project)

Phil Zimmermann
Phil Zimmermann

Title: Inventor of PGP
Topic: How to secure a connection.
Abstract: Phil will talk via an encrypted video link from California about the Zfone project.
Language: Englisch
Video (on YouTube): - - - - - -


19:00 Uhr: Happy hour (Cocktailbar)

Happy hour. The cocktail team from 2007th Asterisk Tag is going to be there again. A chance to meet all the speakers and chat a bit about .


21:00 Uhr - The End

Get some sleep for tomorrow.

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